What to do if Your Child Was Seriously Injured This Halloween
Halloween is one of the most fun, widely-participated-in holidays of the year. Unfortunately, Halloween night can turn into a complete nightmare if your child is injured on another person’s property. If you find yourself in this situation, you are most likely enraged and are seeking compensation. Here are some of the questions you may have:
Are property owners responsible for keeping their property hazard-free?
Yes, they are. Everybody knows that on Halloween, there is a strong chance children will be constantly filing on and off of their property throughout the evening. Homeowners must ensure they leave their lights on so children can avoid any potential tripping hazards. Additionally, property owners must always clear away all debris in their walkways, on their porches, and their steps. If your child was injured as a result of homeowner carelessness, read on to learn about what you can do.
Can I sue a homeowner if my child was injured on his or her property?
Fortunately, you can, in what is known as a premises liability lawsuit. However, insurance companies may try and deny you the compensation you deserve, which is why you must hire an attorney who knows how to fight back. As long as your attorney proves that you were, in fact, injured due to another party’s negligence, you should be able to recover the compensation you need.
What can an attorney do for me?
Attorneys are capable of collecting, analyzing, and presenting evidence in the most efficient way possible. That is why when you hire an experienced attorney, you can trust that he or she will tirelessly work to recover various types of evidence that can help prove your personal injury claim. For example, your attorney may work to obtain photographic or video evidence of the accident, police reports, medical documentation, pictures of the safety hazard that caused your accident, eyewitness statements, and more. We are here to help.
What is the statute of limitations for personal injury claims in Alabama?
Every state has a statute of limitations for personal injury claims. Rather simply, the phrase “statute of limitations” refers to the amount of time you have from the date of your accident to file a claim against a negligent party. In the state of Alabama, the statute of limitations is two years. If you wait past the two-year mark to file your claim, you will most likely be denied your right to sue. Remember, the sooner you file, the better. Our firm is ready to get the ball rolling.
Contact our experienced Alabama firm
Stone Crosby, P.C. has proudly served clients in Alabama for over 100 years. Our firm has experience handling matters including divorce and family law, estate planning and administration, business law, employment law, class actions, consumer protection, business law, real estate law, among many others. If you require quality legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.