How Can I Get Child Custody Back in Alabama?
The main concern of any parent is their child. Unfortunately, parents throughout the state of Alabama are denied custody of their children more often than you may think. If you are someone who was denied child custody, you are most likely looking to obtain custody once again so you can play a significant role in your child’s life. Please continue reading and speak with our Alabama family law attorneys to learn more about custody and how our firm can help you through every step of the legal process ahead. Here are some of the questions you may have:
What are the different types of child custody in Alabama?
There are two main types of child custody in Alabama, and they are physical custody and legal custody. Essentially, when a parent seeks physical custody of a child, it refers to where the child will primarily be living. On the other hand, legal custody deals with whether a parent has the legal custody to make certain decisions on behalf of a child, such as the type of religion the child practices, where the child can go to school, and the types of medical treatments a child is allowed to receive.
Will I be able to get child custody back?
Depending on the grounds on which you were denied child custody, there is a chance that you may be able to win it back. As long as our Alabama family law attorneys can help prove that you have resolved the issue on which you were denied custody, you should be able to seek a custody modification. For example, if you were denied custody on the basis of having a substance abuse issue, if you can prove that you attended rehabilitation or otherwise did what was necessary to resolve the issue, and you are now ready to be a responsible parent, you stand a good chance of obtaining a modification.
Contact our experienced Alabama firm
Stone Crosby, P.C. has proudly served clients in Alabama for over 100 years. Our firm has experience handling matters including divorce and family law, estate planning and administration, business law, employment law, class actions, consumer protection, business law, real estate law, among many others. If you require quality legal representation, contact our firm today to schedule a consultation.